Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Have Sunshine Will Sail

PlanetSolar, the world's largest solar powered yacht, was unveiled last week according to the PlanetSolar website. The Swiss-designed 102 foot boat is being constructed by Knierim Yacht Club, in Kiel, Germany, where the unveiling took place.

The Star Trek-looking vessel is expected to be launched in April 2010, and travel around the world a year later according to Soundings - we're looking forward to the launch.

Can you imagine a day in the future where all boats are powered by either wind or sun? If this ship "takes off" then we might be well on our way.

What are your thoughts of solar power for recreational boating?



  1. I agree with the premise. Way too much diesel fuel discharged into the air and ocean. This is the future with the sun...want to see the future of wind? Take a look at.

  2. Love it - it's about time. Of course there have been smaller solar operations aboard vessels before now, but it's high time boats were self-sufficient. The motion of the waves should be used much more as power generation, as should wind. All of these are available out on the water.

    Looking forward to hearing more about this.
