Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Boy Scouts for Boaters

If you're a boater, you already know that all those knots you learned how to tie in Boy Scouts actually turned out to be really useful. But did you know that you could have learned a lot more from the Boy Scouts about seamanship than simply how to tie a knot? It turns out that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has an off-shoot organization called Sea Scouts that is right up our alley as boaters.

Sea Scouts is an organization with the same focus on values and leadership you would find in the Boy Scouts, but in a different setting. Instead of excursions to forests and fields for camping trips, Sea Scouts spend their weekends on the water. They learn all about water safety and boating skills. They participate in outdoor, social, and service experiences, and they discover our maritime heritage.

Many Eagle Scouts go on to Sea Scouts as they advance through the ranks and badges of the BSA, but you don't have to be a Boy Scout to join Sea Scouts. In fact, you don’t even have to be a boy! Sea Scouting is a co-educational program offered to young adults (yes, both male and female) between the ages of 14 and 21.

To see if Sea Scouts is right for you or your kids, visit their website at www.SeaScout.org.


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